All posts tagged with erectile dysfunction
-(Natural News) Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects a man’s ability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. Occasional ED isn’t uncommon and it is often linked to stress. However, frequent ED may be caused by health problems that need treatment. According to research, following a plant-based diet can […]
-(Natural News) Kaempferia parviflora, also known as Thai ginseng, is a medicinal plant that belongs to the ginger (Zingiberaceae) family. It grows in tropical areas in Asia, such as Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and Thailand. For centuries, traditional healers have been using the root of Thai ginseng to make natural medicines. Hill tribes in Thailand believe that the […]
-(Natural News) American researchers examined the effects of an ethanol extract derived from Kaempferia parviflora, also known as Thai ginseng, on erectile function in healthy middle-aged and older men. Their findings were published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine. Sexual health positively correlates with overall well-being. Current strategies that are meant to enhance male sexual health are […]
-(Natural News) Struggling to keep your erection up is bad news in itself, but men with erectile dysfunction may have more to worry about than just lack of sex. According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine, men with erectile dysfunction are more likely to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AFib). Exploring the link between […]
-(Natural News) Foods that enhance the sex drive have been around for centuries and different cultures revere different types of food as aphrodisiacs. Foods resembling human genitalia like bananas, oysters, avocados and peaches are still believed to help increase libido. Spicy foods like hot peppers cause sweating and increase heart rate, which are sensations typically associated […]
-(Natural News) In the quest to become more fit (and attractive), many men turn to steroids and testosterone supplements to help them achieve their fitness goals. However, studies are now showing that taking these can have one major side effect – infertility. Called the Mossman-Pacey paradox, this occurs in men who’re taking these supplements to appear healthy and […]
-(Natural News) Male sexual dysfunction is becoming a global health problem. Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence affects an estimated 20 to 30 million men in the U.S. and more than 150 million men worldwide. ED is characterized by an inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Although ED is very common, health experts […]
-(Natural News) Kegel exercises are known to help improve pelvic floor muscles and are often performed by women. But according to a study by James Cook University (JCU) physiotherapists, even men can also benefit from simple pelvic floor exercises, particularly those who experience erectile dysfunction. Pelvic floor exercises for sexual dysfunction The JCU study is the first […]
-(Natural News) Ocimum gratissimum, also known by its common name African basil, is a multipurpose plant that is not only ornamental, but also medicinal and serves as a culinary spice. In some African countries, the dried leaves of this aromatic herb features in folk medicine and is used to treat different kinds of ailments. Analysis […]
-(Natural News) Having good oral hygiene is crucial for your overall health. But did you know that it can also help prevent erectile dysfunction (ED)? According to an interesting study, there is a link between gum disease and ED, or impotence, in men. The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and was conducted by researchers from the […]