All posts tagged with environmental destruction
-(Natural News) Palm oil plantations may have brought revenue into the country, but they’ve caused a multitude of problems of well. From fire-induced deforestation to shrunken orangutan populations, the environmental impact of palm oil plantations is nothing short of overwhelming. Yet a small team of researchers from the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project […]
MASS EXTINCTION event now under way that will decimate the global human population, scientists claim
-(Natural News) A hotly-debated study led by Professor Gerardo Ceballos at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico warns that the human population explosion is leading to the widespread contamination and destruction of the planet, ultimately collapsing life support systems upon which human civilization depends. As reported by The Times of Israel: Human overpopulation and over-consumption […] -
-(Natural News) Illegal marijuana farms in California have left acres of land so contaminated with toxic chemicals and fertilizers that a quarter-teaspoon could kill a bear. Already five law enforcement officers have been sent to the hospital for severe skin rashes and respiratory problems. This, after just touching a polluted area. Government officials say that […]
-(Natural News) There is so much difference already between the Trump and Obama administrations, especially concerning transparency, but there remain some problems with federal agencies that the current occupant of the White House obviously has not yet had the time to rectify. I’m happy with President Donald J. Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt to head […]
-(Natural News) A peer-reviewed analysis published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences classified this age as one of “biological annihilation” — one that has prompted the planet’s sixth mass extinction event. Scientists behind the study threaten that should no policies be made to address this issue now, we may soon be facing catastrophic […]