All posts tagged with entitlement
-(Natural News) When the 2020 Olympic Games kick off in Tokyo this year, they will feature an attention-seeking athlete from the USA, one who hates the country she represents, one who mocks Whites, Mexicans and Asians. The 32-year-old Olympian, Gwen Berry, recently turned her back on the American flag while the national anthem played. After […]
-(Natural News) No matter how far they bend over and kneel, corporations will never be able to placate the demands of today’s racially-motivated social justice warriors. Corporations are currently being forced to meet “diversity goals” to purge their organization of white people and to build a more inclusive environment that hires equally among each race. […]
-(Natural News) The overly-coddled generation that came to age with easy credit and technology at their fingertips is generally the most spoiled, self-centered group that has ever walked the planet. With access to more information, preference, opportunity, food, entertainment, and communication than ever before, Generation Z and Millennials have come to expect everything to be […]
-(Natural News) For many graduating college students, having to leave the campus bubble and enter the real world is something of a rude awakening. That’s because in the real world, there aren’t as many “safe spaces” available for coddling bad habits and neuroticism, including some young people’s apparent belief that they’re always right, even when […]
-(Natural News) McDonald’s is teaming up with the AARP to recruit a fleet of “mature” workers to meet their employment needs. Taking aim at the over-50 set, the fast food giant is looking to fill an assortment of positions ranging from early-morning shift roles all the way up to management. The work ethic of older […]
-(Natural News) Serena Williams may be a tennis legend, but her reaction to being dealt late-game penalties and losing at the U.S. Open women’s final is nothing admirable. The sports star received multiple penalties during the game for violating the rules. Instead of taking it all in stride, Williams lashed out at referee Carlos Ramos, […]
-(Natural News) They say that Millennials are the first generation in American history to be worse-off financially than their parents – a phenomenon that seems to have a lot to do with the predominant millennial mindset that one can become wealthy without having to work. Perhaps there’s no better example of this than the ongoing […]
-(Natural News) Could Americans survive a disaster? Experts say that even food rationing efforts, similar to those of World War I & II, would be colossal failures in today’s world. During those times, citizens were encouraged to grow their own Victory gardens and did their best to minimize food waste. “Doing your part” was essential, […]
-(Natural News) There’s no doubt about it: We all know some amazing young adults, but millennials as a group have not earned much respect for themselves. Known disparagingly as “snowflakes,” “generation cry baby,” and the “worst generation ever to have lived,” most of us have come to realize that we should keep our expectations low when dealing […]
INSANITY: Hawaii launches homeless bill that could allow doctors to “prescribe” homes as “treatment”
-(Natural News) Just when you think the Marxist Left could not out-Marxist itself, it happens – this time in Hawaii. As a way to battle its growing homeless problem, lawmakers in the state are actually considering legislation that would give doctors authority to – now get this – prescribe homes to those who need one, […]