All posts tagged with engineered collapse
-(Natural News) Another American company is embroiled in a serious force majeure situation due to a crumbling supply chain and the war in Ukraine (or so we are told by the media). Master Builders Solutions Admixtures wrote a letter to its customers the other day explaining that raw materials allocations are simply not arriving as […]
-(Natural News) Voters who did cast a ballot for Joe Biden should be ashamed of themselves right now, even though he did not actually win the 2020 election, because those votes gave Biden and, importantly, his Barack Obama-aligned handlers, a modicum of credibility. And they are using it to literally destroy our country by tanking the […]
-(Natural News) As bad as Joe Biden and his far-left Democratic Party have made conditions in America just 14 short months after taking complete control of our country, the really bad news is things are only going to get worse. Much worse. Already, Biden’s policies and Democratic spending have created some of the worst inflationary […]
-(Natural News) There is another engineered plandemic taking place, this time against U.S. poultry. According to the government, avian flu, or bird flu, is sweeping across chicken and turkey farms, which means officials must slaughter these birds in order to keep people from eating their meat and eggs – even though cooked meat and eggs […]
-(Natural News) Listening to the “news” these days, one is led to believe that everything is falling apart economically and agriculturally because Russia invaded Ukraine. The truth, however, is that this engineered takedown of the global economy began many years ago and is only now becoming visible. Two years ago when the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) […]
-(Natural News) Hundreds of employees at UMass Memorial Health in Massachusetts have been let go from their jobs for refusing to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Back in the summer, the far-left hospital announced that all employees would need to get injected by November 1 or else be terminated on December 1. Two-hundred […]
-(Natural News) “Thrive Time Show” host Clay Clark joined the Health Ranger Mike Adams during the Nov. 30 episode of the “Health Ranger Report” on Brighteon.TV to explore the possibility of former President Donald Trump and Gen. Michael Flynn teaming up for the 2024 presidential elections. Adams pointed out that Clark’s Reawaken America Tour mirrors Trump’s campaign for the […]