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Quit smoking without putting on a single pound!

The following are breaking revelations and cures for ending cigarette addiction and controlling your weight. Invaluable research has been done for smokers by scientists, nutritionists, reporters and health journalists and compiled and synthesized into one study–that reveals most smokers who quit smoking without any nutritional advice will quickly put on weight and keep it on Read More


I was “KIDNAPPED by cigarettes, chained, and held for ransom!” She could have bought a house with the 40 years of WASTED money

While solving a routine technical problem, stopsmoking.news got in touch with a woman who works for Paypal security (we’ll refer to her as Ms. Paypal), and after an in-depth discussion about smoking ensued, she told the story of how she quit smoking a year and a half ago, after FOUR DECADES of wasting money, that she could Read More

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Step “around” smoking – a secret way to quit is just by reading this

So you go right now and go to a health food store and purchase one edible organic item that costs less than a pack of cigarettes. Do not bring any cigarettes with you on this venture, by the way. This begins the activities that you absolutely would not have done had you never began the Read More

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The smoker’s workout …

Sure, it sounds like an oxymoron right from the start, the “smoker’s workout,” but anything is possible in this world, so we start with a cigarette, of course, because without one, most smokers wouldn’t even read what’s next. Go ahead, we’ll wait for you to light it. Okay. Go ahead. We’ll be right here waiting Read More

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Q&A to escape the cigarette fix – end the 75-year plague!

Commercial cigarettes have been cooked and processed to be the most poisonous nicotine delivery devices known to mankind. They were thought up about 75 years ago, and have plagued mankind ever since. Millions of people are hooked. Millions of people will die. But there’s one escape that doesn’t involve more poison. It’s all about knowledge, Read More

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Attention Smokers, Alcoholics and Drug Addicts – Ready to “Kick” the Nightmare to the Curb?

According to Natural News, mucuna, also known as velvet bean, is capturing the interest of thousands of smokers who have the desire and the will to quit cigarettes but can’t handle the first couple of weeks of rollercoaster-like mood swings and basic withdrawal symptoms. The L-DOPA content of the unprocessed mucuna bean powder is so Read More

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Top 10 non-mainstream ways to stop smoking without any medication whatsoever!

  Hypnosis: Much of the cigarette addiction is mental. Nicotine addiction is broken in three to four days. Many people need proper nutrition and exercise, and the rest is mental. You can try to ‘psyche’ yourself out of smoking, or you can visit a trained professional who can help you train your brain that you Read More