All posts tagged with emergency savings
-(Natural News) A recent survey revealed that the massive increases in everyday living expenses due to skyrocketing inflation rates are causing Americans to be nervous about their emergency savings. The June 23 survey conducted by Bankrate found that 58 percent of the 1,025 adult respondents were concerned about the amount they have in emergency savings. This followed […]
-(Natural News) Many people fail to financially prepare for the future. Having an emergency savings fund is important to the financial security of your family. Here are eight emergencies that could cause you financial stress and difficulty. (h/t: #1 Job loss or government shutdown This is one of the main reasons why you need […]
-(Natural News) As a prepper, one of the first things that you need to learn is the importance of financial preparedness. Don’t wait until an economic collapse before you start settling your debts or saving money. (h/t to The basics of financial preparedness Personal, business, or government debt is bad. It will stress you out, and […]