
Monsanto, WebMD and academic shills all conspire to mislead the public and game the search engines: Secret emails now public

In January 2015, Lisa Drake of the Monsanto Company wrote Professor Kevin Folta a conspiratorial email, asking for a little favor that would involve doing a blog on biotechnology (GMOs) for WebMD. Her email said, “that won’t stop me from asking another favor.” This favor was just one of many from the Monsanto Company, which donated Read More


Academia’s biotech prostitutes exposed: posts full text of once-secret emails between Monsanto and Dr. Kevin Folta of the University of Florida – “Biofortified boys”

The US Right to Know (USRTK) organization has just gone public with a collection of emails showing the incredible corruption of academic “scientists” by Monsanto and the biotech industry. These were acquired through Freedom of Information Act requests submitted over the last year. They now expose the absolute corporate collusion of universities and their “scientists” Read More