All posts tagged with eating disorder
-(Natural News) Inositol is often mistaken as a B-vitamin, but it is actually a type of sugar. While the body produces inositol from carbohydrate-rich foods, it can also be obtained from natural sources like beans, fruits, nuts, and grains. Many people believe that an inositol-rich diet can manage a wide range of mental health problems. Inositol […]
Diabulimia: Diabetics skipping insulin injections to lose weight – risking blindness, coma and death
-(Natural News) (NaturalNews) You won’t find “diabulimia” on any official lists of medical or psychiatric conditions, but it’s a widely recognized term in the Type 1 diabetes community. The word refers to people with Type 1 diabetes who deliberately skip insulin injections in order to lose weight – thereby causing their blood sugar levels to […]