All posts tagged with dust
-(Natural News) Climate change alarmists are always finding “evidence” to support their theories, but many of these phenomena can actually be attributed to other causes. One of the signs of climate change that they like to cite is earlier snowmelt, but a group of NASA scientists believe that climate change is being given too much […]
-(Natural News) By now it is pretty self-evident that the United States is fighting a growing obesity problem. Most of us are aware that a diet low in fresh fruits and vegetables and high in junk food, along with a lifestyle virtually devoid of physical activity is making Americans overweight. Now, a startling new study by […]
-(Natural News) A recent report by showed that the average American home collects as much as 40 pounds of dust annually. According to the report, dust is home to microscopic organisms called dust mites, which reproduce fast and pose a threat to the general public’s health. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) cautioned that dust […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School have jointly concluded that a major contributing factor to asthma in school-age children could be exposure to bacteria and allergens from rodents like mice. Many public schools, they say, are teeming with high levels of mouse allergens, which asthmatic children susceptible to irritation are […]
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