All posts tagged with dopamine
-(Natural News) There are many addictive substances on planet earth, and most consumers never meant to become so hooked that they can’t find a way to quit, or even cut back. As with most addictive substances, the more often the frequency of use, and the more potent the substance, the more dopamine is released in […]
-(Natural News) Recent research conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that 70 percent of Americans reported that they are not feeling restored after a night’s sleep. The Boston, Massachusetts institutions found that it was not just time spent sleeping that affected how a person felt the next day, but the overall […]
-(Natural News) We start this one off with some interesting facts about nicotine and its continued use. There are 35 million smokers in the US, and there are 15 million people who now vape. Though vaping eliminates many of the harmful chemicals embedded in cigarettes, most of the vape gadgets used by vape enthusiasts use […]
-(Natural News) Wish to sleep and eat better? Cut back on sugar. That’s what clinical psychologist Michael Breus suggests in his article for Psychology Today, where he discussed the link between sugar and the brain and how their interaction can affect sleep quality and intensify your cravings for sweets. How a high-sugar diet affects sleep quality Breus, a […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to the brain’s chemical messengers (neurotransmitters), nothing compares to dopamine. A neurotransmitter that activates the brain’s pleasure and reward centers, dopamine plays an important role in stimulating motivation, mental energy and drive. Because of its effects on the brain’s pleasure centers, it’s not surprising that many unhealthy and even dangerous habits, such as […]
-(Natural News) Whether your lips are tugging on electronic cigs or cigarettes, the complaints are always the same about the nicotine damage being done to your body, your mind and your senses. Respiratory problems creep in slowly, even for those suffering from secondhand exposure, and that’s a scientific fact. Then, blood pressure is always a […]
-(Natural News) Most people think that a chemical imbalance is among the primary causes of mental disorders. This occurs when a person has too much – or even too little – of certain neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers that transmit information between neurons. Some examples of neurotransmitters include dopamine and serotonin, both of which play an […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Neuropharmacology found that plant-based compound resveratrol can potentially lower depression and anxiety. This is because resveratrol inhibits enzyme expression of phosphodiesterase 4 or PDE4, which is linked to depression and anxiety. Current antidepressants focus on other components of the brain such as serotonin. But only one-third of patients with depression enter full remission […]
-(Natural News) Most folks are being extra careful during these trying times not to spread or pick up germs when out in public, shopping, working, visiting folks or getting food. Wearing a mask, avoiding touching your face, and washing your hands very well and frequently are all top strategies for lessening chances of catching that […]
-(Natural News) According to the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) published in 2019, neurodegenerative diseases, which affect the structure and function of the central nervous system (CNS), are the largest cause of disability globally. Parkinson’s disease, the most common of these diseases next to Alzheimer’s, is a progressive movement disorder that remains without […]