All posts tagged with Donald J. Trump
-(Natural News) President Donald Trump is set to sign a new executive order Tuesday that will address police misconduct, creating a tracking program for bad officers while encouraging forces to adopt best practices for the use of force. “We’re going to be talking about things that we’ve been watching and seeing for the last month, and […]
-(Natural News) The totality of the evidence undermines the Times’ collusion narrative. Article by Andrew McCarthy republished from ‘Trump Adviser’s Visit to Moscow Got the F.B.I.’s Attention.” That was the page-one headline the New York Times ran on April 20, 2017, above its breathless report that “a catalyst for the F.B.I. investigation into connections […]
-(Natural News) One of the most powerful weapons in the U.S. Navy’s arsenal has arrived in a South Korean port as an aircraft carrier battle group steams towards waters off North Korea. Pyongyang has also recently been given a warning from its sole ally that it’s about to cross a line from which there is […]
-(Natural News) One of the “mainstream” media’s narratives since President-elect Donald J. Trump “unexpectedly” defeated their chosen candidate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, has been that the former was aided by “fake news” supplied to hundreds of legitimate news websites (including this one) by the Russian government. That massive lie has since been exposed as fake […]
-(Natural News) In the weeks since Donald J. Trump handily vanquished his Democratic presidential foe, two-time loser Hillary Clinton, by winning majorities in states that haven’t voted for a Republican in decades, the angry, unhinged Left has been working overtime to intimidate and threaten members of the Electoral College into changing their vote and denying […]
-(Natural News) (SATIRE – This weekend satire piece is for entertainment purposes only and references mature themes. If you are offended, go scream for your mommy…) Natural News can now confirm that it wasn’t the Russians who stole the election for Donald Trump… it was aliens from planet Cockamamie in the Libtard Nebula, according to […]
-(Natural News) New EPA rules are being implemented on heavy trucks which has boosted the 10-year regulatory burden on America past the $1 trillion mark. 75 percent of that cost was imposed by the Obama administration. New analysis from American Action Forum shows that the cost amounts to an annual cost of $540 per person, […]