All posts tagged with Don Lemon
-(Natural News) CNN anchor Don Lemon allegedly sent disgraced actor Jussie Smollett texts during the Chicago Police Department’s investigation of his alleged hoax hate crime. (Article by Paul Bois republished from Testifying at his own trial on Monday, the former Empire star Jussie Smollett reportedly said under oath that he received a text message from Don […]
-(Natural News) CNN’s Don Lemon was completely incapable of airing truth and facts on his own program; but during Tuesday’s handoff with Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, he was demanding that social media companies like Facebook regulate peoples’ opinions because they might not [be] “based in fact” according to him. He also wanted them to regulate […]
-(Natural News) People who refuse to get injected with a “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as demanded by Pedo Joe should not be allowed to enter grocery stores to buy food for their families, says Don Lemon of CNN. During a recent broadcast, Lemon went on a tirade about how he believes that the […]
-(Natural News) While doubling down during Thursday’s CNN Tonight handoff on their support for Officer Nicholas Reardon’s decision to shoot knife-wielding Ma’Khia Bryant, CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon blasted outlets like NBC who didn’t show the knife in Bryant’s hand while reporting on the shooting. The pair accused such outlets of “journalistic malpractice” because they […]
-(Natural News) CNN‘s ratings have plummeted since former president Donald Trump left office. The new channel lost a huge chunk of viewers, particularly among the key demographic of adults aged 25-54, since Trump left office in January following a brief spike in viewership after Election Day. Koppel’s teasing remark turns out to be prophetic In a […]
-(Natural News) Twitter users are pointing to a clip from Don Lemon’s show last night in which they claim the CNN host mistakenly read a teleprompter cue to “scream” during a segment about Trump supporters alleging vote fraud. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from “How about some facts, okay?” Lemon says during the […]
-(Natural News) For months, the mainstream media has been promoting and glorifying the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa “protests,” claiming that violence and destruction is the only way for black voices to be “elevated.” But now that the chaos is catching up to the Democrats in the polls, media talking heads like CNN‘s Don […]
-(Natural News) Back in May and June, NewsBusters reported on how CNN personalities Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon had strongly encouraged violence in the streets in support of the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization (and histories of supporting Antifa terrorists). But with the 2020 election around the corner, the duo was fearful of riots helping President Trump get reelected. “Chris, as […]
-(Natural News) Mark this one down as a new low in CNN’s abominable race to the bottom in contemptuousness and repulsiveness. Minutes after political commentator Angela Rye dismissed Thomas Jefferson as no different than rapper R. Kelly, far-left hosts Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and Don Lemon dismissed, giggled about, and mocked the idea that there’s rising crime in […]
-(Natural News) It’s become clear, especially to a seasoned (and highly skeptical journalist) that today’s “establishment” media is no longer objective, unbiased, or focused on informing the American people. While a few outlets do provide viewers and readers with objectivity and straight reporting — Fox News and One America News Network come to mind — […]