All posts tagged with disease treatment
-(Natural News) Whooping cough is a serious respiratory infection that requires plenty of bed rest and careful treatment. Thankfully, there are a number of home remedies that can hasten your recovery from the illness. These natural treatments can relieve the discomfort and trouble caused by the symptoms of the cough. Formally called pertussis, whooping cough is an infection of […]
-(Natural News) Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects one’s motor functions. The onset of Parkinson’s starts with mild symptoms of barely noticeable tremors, feelings of stiffness and slowed movement. It gradually becomes more and more debilitating as time passes. However, a recent study has found that gut health may be linked to the onset of Parkinson’s […]
-(Natural News) Our bodies need vitamin C for proper tissue growth and repair. It also promotes a healthy immune system. However, because our bodies can’t produce vitamin C on their own, it has to come from an outside source such as the food we eat. Without adequate vitamin C, we could succumb to scurvy, which can be identified by […]
-(Natural News) Periodontal disease, also referred to as periodontitis, is a serious condition that can become a precursor to other diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, and cancer. An article published on the website discusses how vitamin C and quercetin can be used as a solution to this disease. Vitamin C is widely known […]
Dolphin dementia: Scientists have discovered that, like us, their brains can deteriorate as they age
-(Natural News) A new study has revealed evidence of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia in wild animals after scientists detected unmistakable symptoms in the brains of dolphins, as reported in the Daily Mail. Dolphins and humans have many similarities, such as their ability to form social relationships and to communicate using their own language (among other […] -
-(Natural News) Based on research that was presented at the American College of Cardiology‘s 67th Annual Scientific Session, individuals who have both Type 2 diabetes and heart failure, and take an aspirin daily, seem to have a lower risk of dying or being hospitalized for heart failure. But surprisingly enough, the data showed that the intake […]
-(Natural News) Approximately 30,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year in the U.S. Lyme disease is a vector borne disease spread by the black-legged (deer) ticks of the genus Ixodes. Deer ticks do not cause the infection; they are the vector. Vectors transmit an infectious pathogen into another living organism. The infection is […]
-(Natural News) A study carried out by researchers at the University of Tübingen Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology (IFIZ) in Germany has identified a new molecular signaling mechanism that regulates autophagy, a cellular recycling process where the cells continually break down and renew small parts of themselves by way of self-digestion. According to researchers, this process helps keep the cells […]
-(Natural News) A pot of lemongrass looks so ordinary that you won’t even give it a second look the way you would a flowering plant – its tall and slender leaves easily blend with its surroundings as if it doesn’t want to call attention to itself. However, you can’t help but pay attention to the tropical […]
-(Natural News) Halotherapy (“salt therapy” or HT) is a form of alternative medicine that utilizes a “controlled air medium” that simulates the microclimate within a natural salt cave. Based on the findings of a group of researchers from Russia, salt therapy is an effective method that can be used to address respiratory diseases. For this […]
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