
Sugar alcohols and your stomach

Sugar alcohols are a popular sugar substitute, especially in things like chewing gum and prepackaged foods. There are many names and types of sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, xylitol and many others. Honestly, they’ve become so commonplace that sugar alcohols can even be found in some dog treats. I wholeheartedly recommend you not feed your Read More


Top five advantages of probiotics

Probiotics are gaining popularity, and for good reason. These little miracle microbes can have outstanding health benefits, and not just for your gut. Probiotics can be beneficial to the entire body. Here are the top five advantages of probiotics: Reduce cancer risks: Studies show that taking a daily probiotic and maintaining healthy gut flora reduces the risk of Read More


Sea buckthorn oil for a better body, inside and out

Sea buckthorn has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for everything – to relieve coughs, aid in digestion and even reduce pain. Today, it is becoming well known for its ability to repair and rejuvenate skin. Sea buckthorn oil is a powerful cleanser when used topically and can help repair sunburn and other Read More