
A list of 8 amazing things cucumbers can do for your health

The cucumber is the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world. What most people don’t know is that aside from being a culinary staple, this vegetable is also one of nature’s most fascinating superfoods. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of cucumbers: Hydrates and regulates temperature. Like watermelons, cucumbers are 95% water. Eating cucumbers keeps the body Read More


Probiotics may prevent depression and anxiety

In recent years, science has begun to recognize that bacteria do have their benefits for human health, and that there are actually lots of good bacteria. In fact, having a robust colony of bacteria in your gut is now considered to be a market of good health. Also called the intestinal microbiome, scientists are finding Read More

Top 10 Probiotic-rich Foods to Improve Your Life-01

Top 10 probiotic-rich foods to improve your life

Probiotics benefit the digestive system by keeping your gut healthy with good and helpful bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Bacillus subtilis. These bacteria can be found in fermented foods and are known to improve the activities of digestive enzymes. Eating probiotics in your diet can help treat conditions such as inflammatory bowel syndrome, skin Read More

Top 10 ways eating onions can improve health-01

Top 10 ways eating onions can improve health

Onions are a treat that make you weep. Botanically known as Allium cepa, onions are bulbous vegetables that are grown almost all over the world. They are characterized by their pungent aroma, crunchy texture and sharp flavor. Despite their widespread use, the pungent aroma causes many people to steer clear of onions. Nevertheless, several studies Read More