All posts tagged with diet and lifestyle
-(Natural News) If preserving the integrity of your mind is a top priority as you transition into old age, you’ll want to pay attention to what you’re eating. A new study found that diet just might be the number one factor in brain aging, setting the stage for cognitive function throughout a person’s life. Lisa […]
-(Natural News) Neurologists still struggle to pinpoint the exact cause of clinical depression but hypothesize that chronic inflammation may be a contributing factor to this debilitating disease. Unlike inflammation found in a physical injury or arthritis, brain inflammation doesn’t cause any pain as the brain has no pain receptors. This doesn’t mean that it’s not […]
-(Natural News) Receiving a diagnose of diabetes is a life-changing moment. Finding out you have a disease that can impact your quality of life and ultimately shorten it is frightening, and in that moment, no matter how much you normally do your best to avoid medications, you might feel compelled to start taking the diabetes […]
-(Natural News) Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is probably one of the most common infectious diseases, as about 3.9 billion people around the world suffer from it. Aside from tooth decay issues, this disease is also associated with a greater risk of various health problems, such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dementia. […]