All posts tagged with diabetes prevention
-(Natural News) Scientists have known for a while now that eating more plants and cutting back on meat can ward off diabetes or help in the management of the disease. But recent research offers new information on the possible mechanisms behind such a diet’s beneficial effects on diabetes: the proliferation of gut bacteria. In a major breakthrough, scientists […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Diabetologia found that low-carb diet can help lower blood sugar levels and liver fat content. The researchers from Germany said that this can benefit people with Type 2 diabetes even if the diet does not result in weight loss. “Our study confirms the assumption that a diet with a […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Cell found that restricting food intake can produce better immune responses against tumors and bacterial infections. During animal testing, researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases observed that T cells of mice that had their caloric intake reduced displayed improved immune memory. Although further research is needed, these […]
-(Natural News) There’s a good reason why oily and fatty fish are considered some of the best foods to add to your diet: they’re not only packed with essential nutrients, they’re also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered to be the healthy kind of fats, unlike the artery-clogging saturated fats in […]
-(Natural News) Type 2 diabetes is a life-threatening illness, but it’s one that you can largely prevent through lifestyle choices. At the Nutrition 2019 conference held in Baltimore earlier this year, several interesting studies were presented that show just how much what we eat – and the way that we eat it – can impact […]
-(Natural News) People struggling with obesity and its complications could benefit from fasting. A study presented at the recently concluded Digestive Disease Week, an exhibit sponsored by the American Gastroenterological Association and other groups, revealed that a month of fasting can increase levels of proteins that protect against the adverse effects of diets high in added sugar and […]
-(Natural News) Fasting can help men suffering from Type 2 diabetes improve their glucose levels, suggests researchers from the U.S. and Australia. Their study, which appeared in the journal Obesity, revealed fasting to be a novel alternative treatment for managing the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 30 million Americans have diabetes, and up to 95 percent […]
-(Natural News) Eating fruits and vegetables, which are nutritious and rich in beneficial phenolic compounds, protect against conditions related to oxidative stress. The fruits and leaves of a plant in India known as the cup saucer plant (Breynia retusa) may also be consumed to protect against diabetes, according to a study published in the journal […]
-(Natural News) Beans may not grow into a massive beanstalk that reaches the land of the giants up in the sky, but they are amazing superfoods for people with diabetes as they help keep blood sugar levels in check. These legumes top the list of diabetic superfoods recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Their antioxidant, […]
-(Natural News) Brazil nuts are not only tasty snacks — they provide plenty of selenium and important nutrients. Eating these seeds improves cardiovascular health, replenishes antioxidant in the body, and sharpens the brain. Brazil nuts are some of the best sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral that is critical to metabolism, reproduction, and immune responses. Eating […]