All posts tagged with DESTROY
-(Natural News) When Elon Musk became the largest shareholder in Twitter last month, he immediately went to work suggesting improvements for one of the world’s largest social media platforms. One of them — getting rid of the blatant censorship of particular points of view and alternative explanations and narratives for current events — was immediately […]
-(Natural News) A massive, deadly tsunami swept over the Pacific island nation of Tonga earlier this week that was created by a volcanic eruption that was 500 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II. Pictures of the devastation flooded social media in the aftermath of the tsunami showing […]
-(Natural News) Social media platforms are getting flooded with testimonies from farmers, friends of farmers and people who work with farmers explaining how the Biden regime is now paying the people who grow America’s food supply to destroy it. At a time when inflation is soaring, Washington, D.C., is ordering farmers to plow under the […]
-(Natural News) Following more than a decade of fighting militants and irregular forces in urban centers in Iraq as well as during clandestine operations around the world as part of the Global War On Terror, the Pentagon appears to have learned a lesson: Mega-city combat is a loser, in terms of personnel, material and overall […]
-(Natural News) Project Veritas has dropped another round of bombshell footage exposing the anti-human agenda of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. Benny Thomas, Facebook’s Global Planning Lead, told an undercover Project Veritas reporter that his employer “needs to be broken up,” as does Google, in order to prevent a global catastrophe. In the following video, hosted […]
-(Natural News) A 32-year-old musician who goes by the name of “Kiel Fauxton” on Facebook is going viral all across social media after he publicly bragged about destroying Trump ballots in Detroit. Fauxton, which is not his real name, had early on claimed to be a poll worker in Wayne County, which would seem to […]
-(Natural News) Jon Schwarz, a prominent left-wing writer for The Intercept, thinks that destroying the ballots of people who vote for Donald Trump is the moral solution to preventing a second Trump term. According to Schwarz, who also writes for The New York Times, The Atlantic and other far-left media outlets, “at least” 75 percent of […]
-(Natural News) Ever since it became apparent that Joe Biden was going to become the Democratic Party presidential nominee, two things have happened. One, the ‘mainstream media’ stopped talking about the massive amounts of money and inappropriate foreign connections his son, Hunter Biden, made while dad was vice president under the most corrupt man we’ve […]
-(Natural News) After having its true agenda outed, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Global Network was caught quietly removing information from its official website indicating that one of the organization’s goals is to eradicate the family unit from society. While claiming to fight for justice, freedom and liberation for people with dark skin, BLM has […]
-(Natural News) It’s a stunning power grab for a country that purports to be all in for American-style freedom. The British government has recently empowered local city and town councils throughout the country with the authority to deem buildings ‘coronavirus epicenters’ and order them destroyed. Breitbart News reports: Published last month — with little fanfare […]