All posts tagged with Democratic Socialists of America
-(Natural News) The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) has been spending the vast majority of their resources fighting back against the near-endless nightly rioting perpetrated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Because of this, they have not been able to deal with a lot of cases of violent crime, which is on the rise. Now, after three months […]
-(Natural News) James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, which uses undercover journalists to expose Left-wing, anti-government, anti-America corruption, has struck again. In the second of a series of videos exposing the Deep State, DoJ paralegal Allison Hrabar is seen discussing how she uses government software and computers to push her socialist agenda and to punish […]
-(Natural News) Amid Democratic-engineered allegations that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a young woman 36 years ago when they were both teenagers – charges he vehemently and unconditionally denies – comes a real bombshell, compliments of James O’Keefe’s undercover journalists at Project Veritas. As seen in a newly released video, the first of many to […]
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