All posts tagged with debt spending
-(Natural News) WASHINGTON (AP) — Some politicians think they’ve found a silver bullet for the impasse over the debt limit, except the bullet is made of platinum: Mint a $1 trillion coin, token of all tokens, and use it to flood the treasury with cash and drive Republicans crazy. (Article republished from Even its […]
-(Natural News) I’m calling it the “Biden Blowout” — the final fake currency printing blowout that will end the dollar empire and crush the last remnants of the once-great nation known as the United States of America. With the Biden regime now on track to print $7 trillion in 2021 alone, we are rapidly approaching […]
-(Natural News) The $2.3 trillion “stimulus” spending bill being pushed by Congress in response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is loaded with pork. And Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is defending that pork with claims that he is “concerned” about the plight of women in Pakistan, for instance, whom he says need tens of millions […]
-(Natural News) It should be obvious by now that the Democrats are attempting to use a legitimate national emergency — the coronavirus pandemic — to bankrupt the country and destroy our system of government while finally getting rid of President Trump. During an interview on CNN — the ‘official’ channel of the Donkey Party — […]
-(Natural News) After being prodded and poked for months on end, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren has finally revealed just how much her “Medicare For All” plan would likely cost American taxpayers – and it’s not pretty. According to the world’s most infamously fake Native American, the price tag for “free health care” would […]
-(Natural News) Left-wing Democrats are doing all they can to remake California in their socialist-Marxist vision, ensuring that it will become the first — and most wealthy — state in our union to collapse. In addition to taxing residents at some of the highest rates in the country, Democrats in Sacramento are set to adopt […]
-(Natural News) The up-and-coming Democratic Party has many ambitious plans for the country. First, they want a “Green New Deal” which would force the economy to run on 100 percent renewable energy. This multi-trillion-dollar plan would provide taxpayer-funded incentives for wind and solar, while shuttering American coal, oil, and steel independence. The Democrat leaders of […]
-(Natural News) Universal sick care is coming to the Empire State, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants everyone to know that illegal aliens will be covered under the scheme just the same as legal citizens because, according to him, “health care is a right.” Mayor de Blasio made his announcement about guaranteed […]
-(Natural News) California Governor Gavin Newsom and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio are rolling out new “free” healthcare initiatives for illegal immigrants. While illegals may be able to access care in these areas free of charge, it will cost tax-paying Americans a pretty penny. Newsom reportedly struggled to explain how California would pay for the […]
-(Natural News) Wherever it has been tried, true socialism as an economic model has been a resounding failure in literally every case, as evidenced in places like Venezuela and Cuba, the latter of which has elements of communism thrown in for good measure. And yet, it is a model that leaders around the world continue […]