All posts tagged with death camps
-(Natural News) As if the horrors in Shanghai during the latest forced Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown were not already bad enough, we are now receiving word that the government there has set up large “quarantine” centers that are reminiscent of concentration camps. According to reports, Shanghai’s mass quarantine center at the city’s exposition center keeps […]
-(Natural News) Of course it’s a female Democrat lawmaker from Illinois. Rep. Deb Conroy (D), 46th District, has proposed a new law (HB 4640) that would empower the State of Illinois to round up anti-vaxxers at gunpoint and throw them into state-run concentration camps for an indefinite period of time. This is entirely consistent with […]
-(Natural News) According to a national phone survey by Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute, nearly HALF of all Democrats favor rounding up unvaccinated people and forcing them into covid concentration camps. Nearly half of the Democratic voters (48%) believe that governments should fine unvaccinated individuals and implement prison time for people who question the efficacy of […]
-(Natural News) An obscure Washington, D.C.-based entity called the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) has been tasked by the Biden regime with compiling lists of Americans who refuse Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” on religious grounds. Some believe this Orwellian tracking move will create a model for the entire U.S. government to collect the names and “personal […]
-(Natural News) The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses. This is a fact. No one can shoot this down with a fake “fact check,” so they simply try […]
-(Natural News) Unelected “health” officials in the state of Washington have filed a bill that would deploy roving “strike force” bands to round up and “involuntarily detain” unvaccinated families. During a recent Zoom meeting, the Washington State Board of Health unveiled its proposed agenda, called WAC 246-100-040, which would amend state law to allow residents […]
-(Natural News) Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, WAC 246-100, which would authorize “health officers” (Democrat vaccine Gestapo) to kidnap anyone at gunpoint and throw them into covid concentration camps which have already been activated. The people targeted under this tyrannical rule need not show any signs of sickness or infection to […]
-(Natural News) In July, Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams reported on the Biden regime’s intent to send “strike forces” of government agents into American cities and communities to ensure compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The mandate had not yet been issued by King Biden, but it was obvious that the regime was already […]
-(Natural News) Australian police have arrested three healthy teenagers who were caught escaping “quarantine” at the Center of National Resilience at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory. According to reports, the three young men, aged 15, 16 and 17, all tested “negative” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and yet were told that they had to […]
-(Natural News) Millions more dollars are being pumped into Canada’s “voluntary” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) concentration camp program, the government has announced. In order to “help” temporary foreign workers get cleansed from Chinese Germs, the Justin Trudeau regime will spend at least another $5 million to establish more “isolation” and “quarantine” camps in British Columbia. Known […]