
Pesticides banned more than 40 years ago still causing sperm abnormalities and miscarriages, study finds

The life-altering side effects caused by endocrine mimickers can no longer be ignored. Mounting evidence continues to emerge, blaming chemical exposure for a diverse array of health problems, including cancer, infertility, birth defects, neurological disorders, diabetes and many others. A new study joins an extensive collection of research linking sperm abnormalities to organochlorine chemicals, such Read More


Persistent organic pollutants and why they’re so dangerous

Perhaps you’ve heard of persistent organic pollutants (POP); perhaps you haven’t heard them called by that name before. It refers to environmental toxins that are highly toxic to humans and the environment, resist degradation and persist in the environment, can be stored in human or animal fat, and can accumulate in both terrestrial and aquatic Read More

Top 10 reasons to avoid GMOs

Top 10 reasons to avoid GMOs

“Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” — Phil Angell, Monsanto Director of Corporate Communications. Mr. Angell was speaking of GMOs, and it’s true that, from the perspective of Monsanto and other dangerous product makers, safety is somebody else’s job. What he didn’t mention, Read More