All posts tagged with David Lewis
-(Natural News) While you’ve probably heard of the term “fake news,” which is most often used in reference to the spread of inaccurate or fabricated political rhetoric, one term that is heard less often but deserves just as much attention is “fake science.” As the name implies, fake science refers to scientific data that has […]
-(Natural News) “What Lies Upstream” is a documentary by Hyrax Films that includes interviews with Professor Marc Edwards at Virginia Tech and me about data fabrication by the EPA and CDC. A review by IndieWire highlights comments Director Cullen Hoback made in which he stressed “the alarming implications for the future of science and reason […]
-(Natural News) For years, the Environmental Protection Agency has relied on fake science and suppression of criticism to enable the wastewater industry to profit by spreading nominally treated sewage sludge over parks, playgrounds, farms and forests — and calling it organic fertilizer! The fertilizer in question is formally known as “biosolids.” It starts out as […]
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