All posts tagged with dark energy
-(Natural News) At 45 years of age, the decades-old Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope was due for an upgrade. This four-meter reflector telescope will be given just that this year. Though instead of a new eyepiece or objective lens, the Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope was instead outfitted with about 5,000 fiber optic sensor-equipped, pencil-sized robots. By […]
-(Natural News) How would you respond if someone tried to tell you that basically everything you think you know about the function of the universe is patently false? This is the shocking proposition recently put forth by a scientist from Switzerland, whose latest work on the subject suggests that the age-old theory of “dark matter” […]
-(Natural News) Dark energy is not so dark anymore…or existent. A new study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society asserts that the enigmatic dark energy doesn’t really exist. For the last two decades, it was believed that 68% of the universe was made from dark energy (in contrast, dark matter makes […]
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