All posts tagged with Dandelion
-(Natural News) Most people think of dandelions as nothing but invasive weeds out to ruin their lawns. But preppers know that dandelions are just as useful as herbs and beneficial plants in home gardens. When SHTF, it pays to know how to forage for edible weeds like dandelions so you can add them to your stockpile or […]
-(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update, we discuss the astonishing truth that covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns, killing off the dandelions and thereby killing themselves in the long run. Mother Nature […]
-(Natural News) Mother Nature is filled with medicinal plants that work better than most modern medicines. Many of them are even commonly used in emergency survival situations due to the effectiveness of their healing properties. If you’re looking to expand the plants in your garden, you should seriously consider adding several or all of these […]
-(Natural News) Excess water in the body is called water retention, which can leave you feeling puffy and cause swollen ankles, feet, legs, and hands. Water retention may occur due to serious health conditions like kidney disease and heart failure. There are also people who experience it because of hormonal changes. To ease water retention, people take diuretics. […]
-(Natural News) Electroacupuncture can greatly improve symptoms of postoperative urinary retention in women, according to a review published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In the article, researchers from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in China looked at data from randomized control trials that used electroacupuncture for treating postoperative urinary retention, a complication usually associated with […]
-(Natural News) When SHTF, you may be forced to forage for edible plants to ward off starvation. You never know when your life may depend on your ability to identify which plants can serve as temporary sources of nutrition. Wild, edible roots are packed with nutrients, making them excellent survival foods. Improve your chances of survival […]
-(Natural News) There’s a good chance you have an ancient medicine that is capable of fighting cancer in your yard – and it’s also quite possible that you regularly pull it out or mow right over it. Dandelions might look like weeds, but they could actually be the most valuable thing to ever grow in […]
-(Natural News) As the organ responsible for filtering your blood and detoxifying your body of chemicals, you want to keep your liver in top shape so it can carry out its important work. When your liver isn’t working properly, it can’t rid your body of toxins, leaving them to accumulate in your body and cause […]
-(Natural News) If you have a garden, you’ve probably encountered some weeds growing in your carefully cultivated space. These commonly undesirable plants are typically seen as a nuisance or a waste of lawn space by both gardeners and non-gardeners alike. However, a prepper with a keen eye might find some beneficial use for these plants. […]
-(Natural News) It was only in the twentieth century that the dandelion was classified as a weed. Before we became obsessed with the appearance of our lawns, these golden blossoms were part of folk medicine and loved for their various health benefits. In fact, some gardeners used to weed out grass to make room for […]