All posts tagged with cuttlefish
-(Natural News) The cephalopod class of mollusks – which include cuttlefish, squid, and octopuses – are considered intelligent invertebrates and are important examples of advanced cognitive evolution in animals. Without exception, cephalopods are active predators that have the ability to locate and capture prey, which demands some sort of reasoning power. There are more to […]
-(Natural News) It’s a well-known fact that dogs and primates are some of the most clever animals on the planet. Dolphins are also known for their intelligence. But according to an interesting study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, cephalopods like cuttlefish can give other smart creatures a run for their money. Researchers reported that […]
-(Natural News) Do octopuses experience dreams? A viral video of an octopus changing its color during its slumber brought up interesting questions about the neural activity in its many “brains” during sleep periods. Octopuses can alter the color and texture of their skin in the blink of an eye. Sometimes, they rely on their color-changing […]
-(Natural News) Turmeric, for the uninitiated, has a lot of health benefits – making it a staple in a lot of dishes and traditional medicine the world over. However, a study published in the open-access journal CyTA – Journal of Food has introduced a novel method of using this already widely used spice. In the study, researchers from Alagappa University in India […]