
How Big Pharma Censors Knowledge of Natural Healing – Mike Adams (Video)

In this video, cancer researcher Ty Bollinger speaks with Mike Adams (aka “The Health Ranger”) from Natural News about how Big Pharma doesn’t want people using natural remedies that interfere with the poisons they prescribe, and how backwards this approach to healing is. The full interview with Mike is part of “The Quest For The Read More


How the FDA Supports Big Food Companies in Selling More Junk Food – Dr. Rob Verkerk (Video)

Cancer researcher Ty Bollinger (off camera) speaks with Dr. Robert Verkerk, PhD, Executive Director of Alliance for Natural Health-International. Dr. Verkerk shares how the food policies of the FDA and the European Commission benefit big food companies. The full interview with Dr. Verkerk is part of “The Quest For The Cures Continues” docu-series.