All posts tagged with CURE
-(Natural News) Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron […]
-(Natural News) How did an Indian state with more than 240 million residents beat the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? Simple. Its people took ivermectin. Uttar Pradesh, located in northern India, has officially declared that all 33 of its districts are now “covid-free” thanks to a benevolent effort by the leaders there to provide everyone with “horse […]
-(Natural News) There is good news to report out of Thailand after the government there officially approved the use of Fah Talai Jone (Andrographis paniculate), also known as chiretta herb, to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The National News Bureau of Thailand says that Thailand’s Cabinet gave the green light to green chiretta to treat […]
-(Natural News) Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the first to recommend hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc as an early remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), is outraged that the world has been taken hostage by a “group of sociopaths” pushing “vaccines,” passports, and other authoritarian measures as the “cure” for the plandemic. During a recent interview with LifeSiteNews‘ […]
-(Natural News) Instead of downing a pharmaceutical cocktail of remdesivir, the steroid dexamethasone, and an experimental antibody regimen made from Regeneron like her husband did, First Lady Melania Trump decided to take “a more natural route” in treating her Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) positive test result with vitamins and healthy food. Though she did not specify any […]
-(Natural News) French scientist Dr. Didier Raoult, who successfully cured at least 80 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has come forward with claims that Gilead Sciences, Inc., a “deep state”-run biopharmaceutical company with ties to Donald Rumsfeld, recently sent him death threats for telling the world about this simple, inexpensive cure for the […]
-(Natural News) An ongoing study that keeps track of how the nations of the world are faring with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) contains some eye-opening revelations about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). In all areas where HCQ is used – the United States is not one of them, thanks to Anthony Fauci and the left […]
-(Natural News) On July 31, The Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan wrote a scathing critique of the recent America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) “White Coat Summit” event, calling it a grouping of “fringe doctors spouting dangerous falsehoods about hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 wonder cure.” But are these doctors truly wrong as the mainstream media continues […]
-(Natural News) To make progress with remdesivir, the drug that’s buoyed expectations for the treatment of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Gilead Sciences needed help from American taxpayers, getting assistance from three federal health agencies. Despite this, the federal agencies have not asserted patent rights to the drug, meaning that Gilead will have little constraint when […]
-(Natural News) Would the U.S. government withhold information about a treatment or a cure for a disease that is currently ravaging the country? You bet it would, and in fact, that’s very likely been happening for years — which explains why a health plurality of Americans think it may be happening again. According to The […]