All posts tagged with crop chemicals
-(Natural News) They say we need them to grow enough food for everyone on the planet. But the irony is that continuing to use them is actually killing off the bees and other pollinators we absolutely need to even grow food at all. Pesticides are what we’re talking about, here, and new research out of […]
-(Natural News) One of the last places most people would expect to find human waste is in their food. But it’s a little-known fact that so-called “biosludge,” the treated sewage material collected from what’s flushed down people’s toilets, is routinely spread over America’s food crops as “fertilizer,” contaminating your dinner plate with God knows what. […]
-(Natural News) According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, roughly 45,000 Americans take their own lives every single year, making suicide the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. And recent research out of Denmark reveals that as many as 20 percent of these suicides – and in some parts of the […]
-(Natural News) Science has provided yet more clues as to why autism rates in children continue to skyrocket throughout the Western world. A groundbreaking new study recently published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that pesticide exposure in pregnant women is directly correlated to increased autism risk in children, pointing to industrial agriculture as […]