All posts tagged with criticism
-(Natural News) If author George Orwell were alive today, he would have the opportunity to see just how accurate he was when he wrote the dystopian novel “1984.” That said, it’s unlikely that many people alive at the time the book was published (circa 1949) actually believed there could ever be “thought police,” a “Ministry […]
-(Natural News) Whoever is in charge of Joe Biden’s White House should be brought up on charges for the way in which they ordered U.S. military and diplomatic forces out of Afghanistan last week. Because whoever it was is stupid or incompetent — either is just as bad. As American military choppers shuttled diplomats out […]
-(Natural News) Mainstream media darling Prof. Peter Hotez has published a paper in the PLoS Biology journal calling on all criticism of fake “doctor” Tony Fauci to be designated as a “federal hate crime.” According to Hotez, federal hate crime protections need to be extended to encompass “far-right extremists” who refuse to obey Fauci’s demands […]
-(Natural News) America’s corporate, state-sponsored media spin machine is at it again trying to smear and malign independent media outlets that expose the ugly truth about what is really going on in communist China. The latest attack comes from Axios, which has decided to go after The Grayzone by falsely accusing it of engaging in […]
-(Natural News) The fake news brigade is absolutely gushing over the appointment of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s official running mate, highlighting all of her female-ness and ethnic-ness every chance it gets in order to set the stage for Kamala to become the left’s latest untouchable. Just like it did with Barack Obama, the mainstream […]
-(Natural News) New national security laws imposed by communist China have gone into effect in Hong Kong, and even non-residents living outside of Hong Kong are said to be affected by them. According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Article 38 of these new laws specifically states that “offenses committed outside of Hong Kong by […]
-(Natural News) As the stock market tanked on new and expanding reports about what appears to be a growing Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in the United States, advisers to President Donald Trump urged him on Thursday to take more drastic measures in order to better prepare the country. With a shortage of virus test kits, masks, respirators […]
-(Natural News) Just in time for the 2020 presidential election, a pair of college professors from the United Kingdom has unveiled a new technology for blocking “hate speech” online that involves algorithmically flagging politically incorrect language in the same way that anti-virus software identifies “malware.” According to researcher Stephanie Ullmann and professor Marcus Tomalin, both […]
-(Natural News) If you needed any more evidence that “the swamp” (a.k.a. the “deep state”) President Donald Trump is battling and attempting to drain is a institutional force dating back decades, look no further. William Webster, a former CIA and FBI director, claimed in an op-ed published on Monday that the bureau is not a […]
-(Natural News) On December 11, Google-owned YouTube published an announcement entitled, “An update to our harassment policy” that explains how “borderline content,” including anything other than full acceptance of and agreement with the LGBTQ agenda, is now a punishable offense on the world’s most popular video platform. In the interest of “raising up authoritative voices” and […]
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