All posts tagged with covid shots
-(Natural News) (Op-ed) The CDC claims they use thimerosal, which is commonly 50 percent mercury, in multi-dose vaccine vials to reduce bacterial contamination, especially for emergency use during an epidemic or pandemic. So why don’t they need it now in the Covid clot shots? What is the Vaccine Industrial Complex (VIC) afraid of? The following […]
-(Natural News) When analyzing the news, take a look at two new ads by two women who were brutally injured by Covid vaccinations. You will never see this on mass media. The ads have been released by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, who advocate for the vaccine-injured, especially when their voices are blocked on all of […]
-(Natural News) Covid-vaccinated people are terrified of the unvaccinated for many reasons, none of which are based on science or actual research. Ever since the Obama era, when fake news was uncovered, the mass media has been on a mission to call everything else misinformation and disinformation. The news has dug in very deep on […]
-(Natural News) Take just about any subject matter that is not related to health or safety and the mass media will cover it with great detail and often, honesty. That means up to 8 out of 10 “newsworthy” topics, whether local, regional or national, actually receive real reporting with real facts and real interviews. That’s the […]
-(Natural News) When guilty criminals confess to their crimes, they are then tried in court for those crimes and, if indeed found guilty, pay fines and/or serve jail or prison time. Whether a criminal is guilty of armed robbery, aggravated rape, arson, dealing experimental drugs or murder, the prison time can get lengthy, depending on […]
-(Natural News) UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid has announced the development of a new “booster programme” that will be used to inoculate the population annually. To keep their “health pass” up-to-date, Brits will have to take coronavirus spike protein mRNA in one arm and a seasonal flu shot in the other arm. Starting this year, […]