All posts tagged with covid camps
-(Natural News) As if the horrors in Shanghai during the latest forced Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown were not already bad enough, we are now receiving word that the government there has set up large “quarantine” centers that are reminiscent of concentration camps. According to reports, Shanghai’s mass quarantine center at the city’s exposition center keeps […]
-(Natural News) Readers of this web site are aware that it is only a matter of time before the “Powers That Be” decide to force the kill shots on everyone they consider a useless eater. This is what you can expect to occur: (Article by Kalbo republished from First: Places of public gatherings and transportation […]
-(Natural News) The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses. This is a fact. No one can shoot this down with a fake “fact check,” so they simply try […]
-(Natural News) In July, Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams reported on the Biden regime’s intent to send “strike forces” of government agents into American cities and communities to ensure compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The mandate had not yet been issued by King Biden, but it was obvious that the regime was already […]
-(Natural News) Millions more dollars are being pumped into Canada’s “voluntary” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) concentration camp program, the government has announced. In order to “help” temporary foreign workers get cleansed from Chinese Germs, the Justin Trudeau regime will spend at least another $5 million to establish more “isolation” and “quarantine” camps in British Columbia. Known […]
-(Natural News) As in all analogies, you cannot take the similarities or comparisons too far or they fall completely apart; they are meant only to give an impression that is easily recognized. This wisdom applies to the following one as well. (Article by Alan Barton republished from Shakespeare started this one and our modern […]
-(Natural News) Australian authorities have been rounding up terrified indigenous people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Northern Territory and bringing them to a quarantine camp in Howard Springs in what many are viewing as an extreme overreaction to a small outbreak of the virus in the Aboriginal community of Binjari. The community, which […]
-(Natural News) The Australian government of the Northern Territories is now using military soldiers and army trucks to forcibly round up indigenous people who have merely been near someone else who tested “positive” for covid. With families being separated at gunpoint, one of the most horrifying predictions we made has now come true: Military / […]
-(Natural News) The Biden regime is already planning to reeducate government workers and police who refuse the blood-clotting gene therapy shots for man-made Covid-19. The CDC’s Director Rochelle Walensky announced plans for rewiring the brains of anyone who thinks blood-clotting injections aren’t healthy and safe, using psychotherapy to alter the thinking of unvaccinated humans who […]
-(Natural News) Most Americans really have no idea the power that FEMA wields; they mostly think it’s just some government rescue-type workers that help out after hurricanes, earthquakes and floods happen. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually a covert government with far more power than any other agency in this country. Did you know […]