
The typical cigarette filter is made of glass “wool” fibers that cut your lungs to shreds over time

Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15 years to disintegrate? Do you know why? That’s not just some sponge wrapped tightly in paper, no, that little heat screen is made from glass wool that is VERY SIMILAR to the fiberglass insulation used Read More


Man diagnosed with stage III COPD now fully recovered after treating the disease with marijuana

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a progressive disease which restricts a person’s breathing. While mainstream medicine claims the disease could only get worse, Big Pharma still advertises, and doctors still prescribe, all sorts of medications for people who suffer from it, purportedly to offer some kind of relief. Unfortunately, the side effects of these Read More