All posts tagged with controlling the narrative
-(Natural News) There are signs that the mainstream media is starting to fracture on the issue of “safe and effective covid vaccines.” Some of the loudest vaccine-worshipers are beginning to question whether this experimental mRNA interference is actually “safe and effective.” In just eight months, there have been hundreds of thousands of reported vaccine injuries […]
-(Natural News) An investigative report has revealed that Google funded the work of controversial researcher Dr. Peter Daszak, who carried out gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses that may well have been behind the current pandemic and then worked so hard to convince officials and the public that COVID-19 did not originate from a lab leak. […]
-(Natural News) Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Daszak were not the only guardians of science who privately plotted to conceal gain-of-function coronavirus research from the public. Sir Jeremy Farrar from the British Wellcome Trust also conspired to shut down any debate on the Wuhan lab leak theory. The former Oxford University professor has been […]
-(Natural News) Big Tech may be flexing its muscles in support of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow said. Marlow made the allegation during an interview with Tucker Carlson on his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” over at the Fox News Channel. According to Marlow, he and the rest of the Breitbart team noticed […]
-(Natural News) The medical deep state really does not want people watching the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) “White Coat Summit” event, as further evidenced by Twitter’s recent suspension of PragerU simply for tweeting a clip of some of its doctors talking about hydroxychloroquine. The conservative-leaning educational resource had put up a video clip of the […]
-(Natural News) Two popular independent news outlets have been banned by Google after NBC News launched an inquiry into their alleged policy “violations.” Thanks to NBC News, both Zero Hedge and The Federalist are now barred from Google’s advertising platform for allowing “inappropriate” user comments that were deemed to be “racist.” Immediately following the George […]
-(Natural News) During a recent interview with 60 Minutes‘ Lesley Stahl, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki made a public confession about how her company currently pays about 10,000 people to police and remove “controversial content” from YouTube, meaning content that the Big Tech deep state has deemed unacceptable for public viewing. These YouTube “monitors,” as Wojcicki […]
-(Natural News) Because of their supposed “privilege” in society, white males are no longer permitted to open their mouths and speak, at least according to Dr. Susan Buchanan, a trustee in Oak Park Village, a suburb of Chicago. During a recent board meeting on “racial equity,” Buchanan went on a maniacal rant after being triggered […]
-(Natural News) Now that Wikipedia has been exposed as little more than a pharma-pushing, truth-squelching disinformation racket that’s cloaked as some kind of independent online “encyclopedia,” the time is now for this obvious deep-state propaganda front to finally lose its Section 230 “Safe Harbor” protections. What we mean by this is that Wikipedia, along with […]
-(Natural News) With the most recent Google “Core” update, which took place in June, substantial changes were made to the search results that users pull up when querying topics like vaccine safety, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), cancer, pharmaceuticals, and climate change – with Google, as you probably well know, now actively censoring independent viewpoints that run […]