All posts tagged with confederacy
-(Natural News) In a series of columns over the span of two weeks, New York Post writer Michael Goodwin dropped some bombshells on the family that owns rival paper The New York Times, and frankly, it should have been enough to ignite the Left-wing Marxist “cancel culture” mob. But it hasn’t so far, and that […]
-(Natural News) For all of its existence, the American Democrat Party has stood for distinctly anti-American principles and values, but thanks to a fully co-opted “mainstream media” that serves as the party’s propaganda division, far too many citizens don’t know that. For instance, they don’t know that the Democrat Party, only recently, “embraced” minorities, seemed […]
How to create a new, private society with Gemstone University’s Ken Cousens – watch at
-(Natural News) Have you ever wondered what life might be like without all of the burdensome rules, restrictions, and regulations in society that exist far outside the bounds of what the Constitution originally provisioned? During a recent episode of Sarah Westall’s “Business Game Changers” program, which aired at, Gemstone University‘s Ken Cousens discussed how […]