All posts tagged with community survival
-(Natural News) The past two years have proven that society is hanging on by a thread and one catastrophic disaster could cause an entire country to collapse at any moment. Here are things you can do to increase the odds of getting through this kind of survival scenario. The first three days The first 24 to 72 hours […]
-(Natural News) Many preppers can fall victim to the doom and gloom that surrounds the community. Preppers spend a lot of their free time preparing for what to do when SHTF, and this can be very stressful and lead to many depressive thoughts. There is a reason for the doom and gloom. The world is […]
-(Natural News) If you properly execute your preps when SHTF, you shouldn’t run into too many complications. That is unless you have neighbors who aren’t preppers. It’s highly likely that you’re neighbors aren’t preppers because a high percentage of the population is definitely not prepared for most or all SHTF scenarios imaginable. You will be lucky to […]
-(Natural News) When disaster strikes, large numbers of people are going to bug-out of cities and other densely populated areas. Many preppers will make their way to cabins and other hideouts in sparsely populated and secluded areas. While this is not a bad idea for preppers that have homesteads to go to, not every prepper […]
-(Natural News) Science can be used as a manipulative tool to distort nature for material gain, or science can help us unlcok secrets of consciousness, interconnectivity, and the intelligent design existing throughout nature. In a stunning new discovery, scientists reveal that parasitic dodder plants communicate with host plants to provide self defense against insects. There are […]
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