All posts tagged with commensal bacteria
-(Natural News) One of the strongest defenses against heart disease, arterial rigidity and blood clots is a little-known food called natto. Natto is a sticky, cheese-like substance that is produced from fermented soybeans and a specific type of commensal bacteria. This beneficial bacteria, Bacillus Subtilis, helps keep the intestinal tract healthy. When it is used […]
-(Natural News) One of the most important areas of scientific research for combating SARS-CoV-2 involves understanding cytokines and mitigating cytokine storm. Cytokines are cell signaling molecules that facilitate immune responses. These molecules communicate between cells to stimulate the movement of immune responsive cells toward sites of inflammation and infection. Israeli scientists have found that yogurt […]
-(Natural News) The human stomach, the saliva, and the large and small intestines are like a rain forest, teeming with more than five thousand living species of bacteria. These bacteria cells outnumber human cells 10:1. Every moment of every day, several trillion bacteria cells interact with one another and coordinate vital functions inside the body. […]
-(Natural News) Blood sugar levels are rising throughout the American population. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than one third of Americans are now suffering from pre-diabetes, a metabolic condition where the pancreas fails to produce enough of a hormone called insulin. When working properly, the pancreas produces the right amount of insulin […]
-(Natural News) We tend to forget the commensal relationship we share we bacteria. Our bodies are home to colonies of bacteria which benefit us in various ways, including interacting, coordinating, and coordinating vital functions. As beneficial as this relationship is, it can also be delicate: Hypochondriac mindsets have led to over-sterilization and overuse of synthetic […]
-(Natural News) There is a force of nature residing within our bodies, a force that responds to threats, protects the blood, and assimilates vitamins from our food. We are in a relationship with this force. It coexists within our bodies. It influences us and we influence it. This force, comprised of trillions of friendly bacteria cells, […]
-(Natural News) One of the quickest ways to initiate depression physiologically is to destroy your intestinal microbiota and block your body’s ability to utilize nutrients. Medications for acid reflux do just that. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are prescribed to reduce stomach acid, but in the process, they damage the colonization of your microbiota, severely altering the […]
-(Natural News) Infectious bacteria are rapidly evolving, practically laughing and mocking modern medicine. These infectious bacteria are reclaiming over-sterilized environments and rapidly reproducing in the face of our best antibiotics. As modern medicine’s best antibiotics fail to cure infections, hospitals have become dangerous breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant super bugs. Hospital management all over the world […]
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