All posts tagged with cold storage
-(Natural News) Being self-sufficient means looking for ways to help your family survive without relying on outside sources for food, water and other necessities. If you’re a homesteader, one way to become more self-sufficient before SHTF is to learn how to safely preserve and store food for future use. (h/t to Storing food properly can […]
-(Natural News) When the power goes out, you won’t be able to rely on electric-powered refrigeration to keep your healthy fruits and vegetables fresh. Given the state of the world today and the fact that panic buying is becoming the norm in grocery stores all over the country, you may want to consider alternative ways […]
-(Natural News) A Canadian cryptocurrency exchange is reportedly filing for bankruptcy following the highly questionable “death” of its CEO and corresponding “loss” of nearly $200 million worth of customers’ crypto assets, once again raising the question: Is there anything legitimate going on in the crypto world that isn’t a total scam? QuadrigaCX, which had been […]
-(Natural News) People have come a long way when it comes to storing meat: From air-drying meat to freezing it on the ice, people have invented machines – and even chemicals – to ensure that meat and other food items stay edible longer. However, researchers from the University of Fort Hare and the University of the Free State […]
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