
Food transparency and the democratization of science (Audio)

The “democratization of science” means science being conducted by individual citizens rather than being monopolized and controlled by corrupt governments and deceptive corporations. With his forensic food lab, the Health Ranger is spearheading the field of citizen science, yet he also supports continued scientific advancements that would put analytical instruments into the hands of ordinary Read More


Campbell’s comes out in favor of mandatory GMO labeling (Audio)

Campbell’s has just come out in favor of mandatory nationwide GMO labeling, rejecting the deceptions and corruption of the other food companies that are still trying to hide GMOs and deceive consumers. Campbell’s has also said it will no longer contribute to anti-labeling campaigns that try to block GMO labeling initiatives at the state level. Read More


Global revolt underway for food transparency (Audio)

A global revolt is under way right now for clean food and food transparency. Everywhere across the globe, consumers are demanding to know more details about what’s in their food, how it was produced and where it comes from. Standing in the way of this revolution is the corrupt, criminally-run food and agricultural industries that Read More


Clean food victory as Panera removes chemical additives from its soup

Panera Bread has announced the removal of artificial colors, additives and preservatives from its soups! It’s the latest huge victory for the clean food movement, as more and more companies are removing toxic chemicals from their products, responding to the demand for cleaner, more transparent food. Learn more about clean food at my forensic food Read More


Food Investigations Part 1

Part one of the Food Investigations series by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. This introduction explains some of the many toxins found in the food supply and how Adams decided to build a forensic food laboratory to discover the truth about what we’re all being sold by the food giants. Hear more at


Why isn’t the FDA testing foods for heavy metals and publishing the results?

As I’ve been finalizing the expansion of my new food science laboratory, I’m increasingly wondering, “Hey, how come the FDA isn’t doing this?” It’s a legitimate question. Why isn’t the FDA testing off-the-shelf food products for heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, benzenes, parabens and other toxic chemicals? Isn’t this all about “public safety?” Why does it Read More