All posts tagged with Chuck Todd
-(Natural News) Left-wing Democrats love to claim that the concept of a “good guy with a gun” stopping mass murders is a myth that does not pan out in real life, but of course, like everything else they say on the topic of firearms, that is completely false. And in fact, they have been proven […]
-(Natural News) When most people hear the phrase “Deep State” they often correctly think of a person who is likely associated with federal law enforcement, the political establishment, or the U.S. intelligence community. Rarely do they consider that American media figures are part of a Deep State cabal seeking to undermine the will of the […]
-(Natural News) Even though the supposedly “settled science” about global warming from decades back has since been proven false, as Earth actually appears to be entering a period of global cooling, this hasn’t stopped the mainstream media talking heads from continuing to spread mindless drivel about the impending threat of “climate change.” During a recent […]
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