All posts tagged with chronic neuropathic pain
-(Natural News) Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice that has been used for centuries, even today. In a study published in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine, acupuncture was found to reduce the sensitivity of the median nerve. Animal studies show that acupuncture can reduce mechanosensitivity of peripheral nerves. In this study, researchers from the […]
-(Natural News) Chronic neuropathic pain can be significantly reduced with repeated electroacupuncture (EA). This was the conclusion of a recent study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Researchers behind the study say that their data suggest a potential use of this modern take on a natural medicine. Recent evidence has found that glial cell […]
-(Natural News) Glial cells are considered to be crucial components of the central nervous system. They do not conduct electrical impulses, such as with neurons, but instead act as a support system for and the insulation between them. Dysregulation among glial cells is noted to be the main factor in neuropathic pain and its associated […]