All posts tagged with Christine Blasey Ford
-(Natural News) The accusations of serial sexual abuse and sexual assault made against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey-Ford last year never did make any sense because the then-nominee had been vetted at least a half-dozen times by the FBI for various White House and federal court posts. And let’s face it: No […]
-(Natural News) A “queer, black woman” who attends Yale University‘s Jonathan Edwards College and writes as a “Staff Columnist” for the school’s Yale Daily News paper – and who’s an openly anti-white racist – recently penned an op-ed calling on all Yale students to spy on their straight, white male classmates in order to collect […]
-(Natural News) The wife of Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has written an open letter to Democrat Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, expressing deep anguish over the horrifying death threats that she and her family have been receiving ever since Booker told his followers to commit “acts of intimidation” against supporters of President […]
-(Natural News) In the aftermath last week of Senate Judiciary Committee testimony from Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, there was a common theme among elected leaders and the political commentariat: Both of them were “credible.” Ford, you may recall, has accused Kavanaugh of sexually molesting and assaulting her 35-plus years ago […]
-(Natural News) The more time that passes following last week’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in which both Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh gave testimony, we are learning more about the fine judge’s accuser. As Breitbart News reported, an ex-boyfriend of Ford’s is refuting her claims under oath and under penalty of perjury […]
-(Natural News) Late Monday The New York Times published what it no doubt thought was a “bombshell” story claiming that in 1985, a young Brett Kavanaugh once threw a beer in someone’s face which led to a fight. Noted The Daily Caller in reporting the story: Chad Ludington, a former Yale basketball player who socialized with Kavanaugh, […]
-(Natural News) You have to hand it to the Democratic Party. When it comes to blatant hypocrisy, not only are they incredibly consistent, they have an uncanny ability to lie to you with a straight face. As you likely know, Democrats have come out in full-throated support of allegations made by at least three women […]
-(Natural News) The anger and vitriol expressed by the Marxist American Left is no longer just the kind of “point-and-laugh” idiocy that it used to be. It’s rising to a level of hatred that always proceeds violence, and it’s just not something conservatives should be ignoring any longer. The most recent example of unhinged Leftist […]
-(Natural News) It’s becoming obvious in our hyper-partisan political environment that Democrats don’t want to lose gracefully. They want to engage in a scorched-earth campaign that will leave our system – and large parts of our country – in ashes if they can’t be in charge. And ironically, the more they engage in this kind […]
-(Natural News) (h/t to The Gateway Pundit for the initial lead). In another stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of a mind control program that cites […]