Three shocking ingredients hidden in your food (Audio)

Learn these three shocking things you never knew about what’s in your food! You’ll be STUNNED about what you’re eating or feeding your pets. This podcast covers: 1) The shocking origins of commercial chicken eggs. 2) The startling truth about pet food review websites. 3) The unbelievable truth about toxic heavy metals in organic foods. Read More


Why artificial meat can’t replace real meat

Will artificial meat ever replace REAL meat from animals? Although there is a legitimate animal welfare argument to artificial meat, it’s doubtful such genetically modified laboratory concoctions will ever replace real meat from cattle and other animals. Here’s why… Read my of my work at: Naturalnews.com Newstarget.com Fresh.news

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Congress eradicates meat-labeling regulation, denies Americans’ right to know where their food comes from

Congress has once again made it more difficult for small American business to thrive in the U.S., instead favoring large foreign corporations and their goods. In an unfortunate turn of events, elected officials voted last week to eliminate meat-labeling regulation that informs consumers where their food comes from. The new provision, which goes into effect Read More

chicken sandwich

Would you like some arsenic with your chicken?

Four years ago, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a report condemning the use of arsenic drugs in conventionally farmed chickens and pigs. Yes, you read that right. Drugs, made from arsenic, in food. The drug is called 3-Nitro©, or roxarsone, and it’s a known carcinogen to humans. It’s used to treat chicken Read More