All posts tagged with Chicken pox vaccine
-(Natural News) Some people put their full faith in American vaccines. They get every vaccine they’re told to get by doctors and the CDC. If there’s a scary outbreak on TV, they’ll run to the first 24-hour clinic or their pediatrician and get the booster jab for that infectious disease or new influenza combination of […]
-(Natural News) While vaccine makers and the mainstream media continue to deny that vaccines can be harmful, the vaccine court in the United States is quietly awarding money to victims of vaccine injuries, and after a protracted legal battle, the Department of Health and Human Services has even admitted the chickenpox vaccine caused one boy’s […]
-(Natural News) If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of […]
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