All posts tagged with chemical medications
-(Natural News) Just because the United States is very advanced as far as industry, military and technology are concerned, this is in no way reflected by the corrupt medical and food industries, that are in the business of making innocent people sick and profiting off their perpetual (and virtually useless) chronic symptom care. It’s ironic […]
-(Natural News) Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Dan Bongino are all patriotic Americans who love their country. Each of them offers valuable analysis of current events from a conservative / libertarian point of view, but all three are living a huge contradiction in their fragmented advocacy of “free market” health care solutions. All three of […]
-(Natural News) There is no doubt that depression is a serious and debilitating disease. Those trapped in its clutches often feel utterly helpless, and many turn to pharmaceutical drugs for relief. Unfortunately, these drugs carry serious side effects and can cause long-term harm. And in an increasing number of cases, patients who are prescribed these […]