All posts tagged with Center for Medical Progress
-(Natural News) David Daleiden from the Center for Medical Progress has released a new video exposing Kamala Harris as an abortion-loving, First Amendment-hating political prostitute who would rather please her friends at Planned Parenthood than protect the civil liberties of American citizens. Truth be told, Harris despises things like civil liberty and equal justice under […]
-(Natural News) Yet another Planned Parenthood employee has been outed for participating, or at least attempting to participate, in the abortion outfit’s cash-for-corpses scheme. Tram Nguyen from Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast reportedly testified in court back in May that she had planned to “move forward” with selling aborted baby livers for as much […]
-(Natural News) A federal jury in San Francisco has convicted the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress (CMP), along with its president, David Daleiden, of having violated a slew of state and federal laws when it secretly filmed Planned Parenthood employees admitting on camera to illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for fast […]
-(Natural News) A jury in San Francisco has begun deliberations in what is deemed the “blockbuster trial of the century” involving an undercover media operation that recorded Planned Parenthood officials admitting they allegedly sold aborted fetal parts and tissue while negotiating for higher fees. As reported by Lifesite News, the federal trial “wrapped up” on […]
-(Natural News) A preliminary hearing in the case of Planned Parenthood versus the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has already revealed that the nation’s largest abortion provider is, in fact, guilty of illegally trafficking aborted baby body parts, just as CMP proved with the undercover video footage it released to the world. In case you […]
-(Natural News) Many people don’t know this, but it’s impossible to be both pro-life and pro-vaccine. That’s because “fresh tissue” from aborted human babies is “absolutely essential,” according to vaccine industry scientists, for researching and developing new vaccines. Speaking before a recent congressional hearing about the alleged need for continued federal funding, Sally Temple, the […]
-(Natural News) If you were to read anonymous quotes about eyeballs popping out of the heads of babies, skulls being crushed into sharp shards of bone, or the sale of brains for the purpose of making a profit, what’s the first thing you would think of? More than likely, you would think that such grotesque […]
-(Natural News) For those who are unaware, David Daleiden is a well-known anti-abortion activist and founder of the Center for Medical Progress, an organization that has been working to advance pro-life principles since 2013. Recently, Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress has come under fire for publishing videos on his website that show abortion […]
-(Natural News) Remember back in 2015 when Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council President, Mary Gatter, was caught on tape in an undercover sting negotiating the sale of aborted baby body parts in order to buy her much-coveted Lamborghini? Well, Gatter is back in yet another undercover video doing the exact same thing again with disguised […]