All posts tagged with Caucasians
-(Natural News) Not only is China-loving Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a dictator wannabe, but he’s also a self-loathing anti-white racist, as evidenced by details buried in his evoking the Emergencies Act earlier this week to crush the “Freedom Convoy” protest. According to Summit News: The Canadian government’s Emergency Measures Regulations: SOR/2022-21 order bans people […]
-(Natural News) Today, the phrase “white privilege” is used by leftists as often as they wear face masks, which is to say constantly. They use it because it is (or was) a powerful method to guilt Caucasians into doing stupid things like physically bowing down to people of color for the sake of false reconciliation […]
-(Natural News) If you were to stage a beauty contest in a country where 96 percent of the population has white skin, would it surprise you if all of your contestants were Caucasian? No, not if you’re a normal, rational human being who understands concepts like ‘the law of averages.’ But we live in a […]
-(Natural News) Anti-white racism is alive and well at the University of Colorado Denver, where two faculty members recently published an inflammatory essay that claims science is inherently racist against “people of color” because the bulk of it was forged by people of non-color, a.k.a. white people. Cheryl E. Matias and Paul T. Le apparently […]