red meat

Red and processed meat consumption raises risk of mortality, according to meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million people

It’s no secret that eating lots of red and processed meat is bad for public health. According to a recent meta-analysis that reviewed large-scale studies involving more than 1.5 million people, all-cause mortality is greater for people who frequently eat meat. The authors of the study, published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, Read More


OUTRAGE: Monsanto’s secret toxicology tests reveal it knew glyphosate was carcinogenic for 40 years

Researchers have unearthed new evidence implicating biotech giant Monsanto in one of the biggest scandals of the century: Monsanto and regulators have known for nearly 40 years that glyphosate causes cancer and tumor development. The revelations emerged after two independent scientists gained access to Monsanto’s secret toxicology studies on glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Read More

Credit: Wikimedia

Baby goats born to mothers fed GMO soy suffer stunted growth and nutrition deficiencies, study finds

Baby goats born to mothers fed genetically modified (GM) soybeans suffer from stunted growth and nutrient absorption deficiencies, according to a new study conducted in Italy and published in the journal Small Ruminant Research. Genetically engineered soybeans are designed to withstand large doses of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready herbicide. The World Health Organization recently declared that Read More


See ya! American Academy of Pediatrics kicks Monsanto to the curb

Monsanto’s bad publicity is seemingly never-ending, and rightfully so as the biotech giant has worked hard to earn the title of the “World’s Most Evil Corporation.” The death and destruction brought on by Monsanto over the years has not gone unnoticed, offending even some of their closest allies. One of the most recent partners to Read More