All posts tagged with capitalism
Paul McGuire: Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families
-(Natural News) The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families, according to author and speaker Paul McGuire. “The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are totally financed by the super capitalist class. They’re totally financed by the globalist elite. They’re totally bankrolled by the wealthiest and richest international banking families in the world,” McGuire […] -
-(Natural News) The Road to Totalitarianism People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did. They saw all the signs along the way. The signs were all written in big, bold letters, some of them in scary-looking Germanic script. They read … (Article […]
-(Natural News) If you listen to the climate alarmists, you might be forgiven for believing that carbon dioxide is the biggest issue of our time – more dangerous, somehow, than even nuclear war. In fact, some of them are even going so far as to pin the environment’s problems on capitalism, insisting that global capitalism […]
-(Natural News) The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has launched a new instruction program for public school teachers throughout the state that claims the subject of mathematics is “racist” and promotes “white supremacy.” The department sent out an online pamphlet called, “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction” that contains a section entitled, “Dismantling Racism in […]
-(Natural News) Rep. Katie Porter on Friday published a damning report revealing the devastating effects of Big Pharma mergers and acquisitions on U.S. healthcare, and recommending steps Congress should take to enact “comprehensive, urgent reform” of an integral part of a broken healthcare system. (Article by Brett Wilkins republished from The report, entitled Killer Profits: […]
-(Natural News) This summer corporate America cheered on BLM and Antifa as they burned our cities. Now, Twitter and Facebook openly censor information, while Nasdaq asks the government to sanction their stringent new diversity mandates. These news items hammer out a familiar beat, offering a clear glimpse into our future. It is long past time to get smart […]
-(Natural News) Donald Trump’s presidency has so frightened globalists around the world that they are literally pulling out all the stops to destroy him and the greatest country in the history of the world — the United States. Why? Because a powerful, wealthy, stable America, which Trump created before the Wuhan coronavirus, is anathema to […]
-(Natural News) On Oct. 6, Tuesday, a congressional panel challenged one of Amazon’s defenses against antitrust scrutiny of its retail dominance. The panel also discussed charges about how Amazon wrongfully uses its market power. Amazon dominates U.S. e-commerce In the report, the Democratic-led House Antitrust Subcommittee disputed Amazon’s assertions that its share of total U.S. retail shopping “is […]
-(Natural News) Systemic corruption and the implosion of the social contract have consequences: It’s called collapse. (Article republished from Social and economic decay is so glacial that only those few who remember an earlier set-point are equipped to even notice the decline. That’s the position we find ourselves in today. Many Americans will discount the systemic corruption […]
-(Natural News) WICHITA FALLS, TX – A professor at Midwestern State University is facing some online backlash after a rather unsavory comment of his on Facebook (which detailed an adoration for cops being killed) wound up being broadcast and circulated. (Article by Gregory Hoyt republished from Midwestern State University philosophy professor Nathan Jun wrote on a […]