cannabis oil

After being given 18 months to live, a man is cured of cancer by Cannabis Oil

The revolution concerning the profound benefits of medicinal marijuana is unstoppable, despite the idiocy of Chuck Rosenberg, our current Acting Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Obviously, he represents the same bureaucratic cabal as the rest of his cohorts in Washington, D.C. Since the early 70s “War on Drugs,” they’ve put a lot of people in jail who Read More

cannabis oil

Advanced breast cancer and cannabis oil

When breast cancer mestastisizes, it generally spreads to the lungs, liver, bones, lymph glands and brain. Breast cancer patients are usually told they have between two to five years to live after diagnosis. Treatment is geared to pro-longing life, not curing the cancer. Oncologists are known to be brutally honest when asked by their patients Read More